A report from the Community Governance Steering Group was presented at a recent meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee along with the recommendation to support the creation of a Bexhill Town Council following an overwhelmingly favourable consultation response.
At the meeting, every councillor that spoke agreed to some degree that a Bexhill Town Council was the way forward and discussion was had about transferring services and the procedure around electing Town Councillors. Two of the Conservative councillors voted against the recommendation but neither of them spoke against it or provided any ‘scrutiny’ despite being members of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and having every right to do so.
The votes were as follows:
Cllr Charlie Clark (Independent)
Cllr Vicky Cook (Liberal Democrat)
Cllr Paul Courtel (Labour)
Cllr Brian Drayson (Independent)
Cllr Diedre Earl-Williams (Independent)
Cllr Sarah Errington (Independent)
Cllr Polly Gray (Green)
Cllr Lynn Langlands (Independent)
Cllr Martin Mooney (Conservative)
Cllr Paul Osborne (Conservative)
Cllr James ‘Jimmy’ Carroll (Conservative)
Cllr Carl Maynard (Conservative)
Cllr John Barnes (Conservative)
The recommendation will now progress to Cabinet and then, if successful, Full Council in September where the final decision will be made.
To watch the video recording of the meeting CLICK HERE or to read the report and the full agenda/minutes CLICK HERE
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