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New Local Plan In Progress

The Rother Alliance

Work has been ongoing for some time now on Rother’s emerging Local Plan.

The documentation for evidence needed is huge - as it should be with a plan fit for purpose until 2039. All possible sites for development for either housing or employment have been identified. They all need to be assessed as suitable or not. As part of this process, there have been individual meetings with every parish and town council to discuss the sites informally. Poring over the maps of each parish and town allows local residents to provide insights which can rule out certain sites and sometimes add others. This local knowledge has been invaluable. There are a few parishes yet to meet.

The other aspect of the Local Plan are the Policies to sit alongside development. Again conversations with the towns and parishes can highlight the good things as well as what is needed to enhance life and well being in their communities - the most quoted need so far was for better public transport.

Our next step is to set up a cross party working group of back-bench councillors to examine and discuss the proposed new policies. If all goes smoothly the new Local Plan will go out to public consultation towards the end of the year.

Cllr Sue Prochak, Cabinet Portfolio Holder for Planning said, ‘The Alliance has great confidence in our excellent Planning Policy team working together on what is one of the hardest and most important tasks for Rother. I really applaud the team’s approach and their attitude, led by Jeff Pyrah, of involving all in this challenging process.'


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